Kenyan lady claims man begged her for sex in exchange for a job, leaks chats - NAIRALEAK

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Kenyan lady claims man begged her for sex in exchange for a job, leaks chats

There are shameless men who believe that they must have sex with a lady before giving her a job. That’s why we have so many incompetent ladies in the job market because most of them slept their way up.

In Kenya, a lady has exposed a randy man who was begging her for sex in exchange for a job. When she denied him some “potpourri", the man who was exposed on a Facebook group told her that this is Kenya and she shouldn’t expect free things.

This photo is for illustration

She must spread her legs to men for her to get a job. This scenario is not peculiar to Kenya as many Nigerian ladies have attested to it in the past..

 Here are the texts of the man begging for sex from the lady.

What a world!

Note: Photos of the man attached to this leak by the kenyan lady, will not be published until its confirmed.


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