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We all have one question or the other concerning our relationships but the answer is always hard to find, one confusing thing about love is that we all see it as a dangerous game but we cannot resist to love or to be in a relationship, do you know why because love is a natural thing created by God, sometimes you don't even know how and when you started falling in love with someone, its inevitable, some people is always afraid to love do to unpredictable nature of it, when i say unpredictable nature it means that when you are falling in love or entering into relationship it means that you are willing to take that risk because starting well don't mean going or ending well. Now its time to see the top questions people ask in their love life and i expect you to give me the answers if you think you know anything about LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP without wasting time, the list is as follows: [b]1. LOVE DECREASES AFTER MARRIAGE:[/b] Why is it that love decreases after marriage but was perfect and enjoyable before marriage? i have some friends who complained about their relationship being scrambling after they got married, do you have answer for this, let us see your own opinion. [b]2. HOW TO START WELL AND END WELL:[/b] This question is one of the hardest question in a relationship as you know relationship tend to be very exciting and enjoyable at the beginning but always ends differently, i will give an answer to this question but before then let me see you own opinion. [b]3. HOW TO KNOW REAL LOVE:[/b] Everyone faces this particular question, how to find out if someone truly love you, i must say this question is really complicating since its hard to find out what is in someone's else mind but am sure there is an answer to this questions, my next post will be the answers to all this question but my desire is to learn from you also so don't read and go without sharing your own view with us. [b]4. CAN I HAVE s*x WITH MY PARTNER BEFORE MARRIAGE:[/b] Am sure i have seen many answers and peoples view about this particular question and i am sure you have your own answer too, the fact about this question is that it has one simple answer and numerous logical answers which i will let you know but before then i will like to know what you think. [b]5. HOW TO AVOID MAKING MISTAKES: [/b]Sometimes one little mistake you made can destroy your relationship and you cant let that happen, though no one can avoid making mistake completely but at least you can avoid that minor once that can destroy what you have built together, i think this can help answer your question [img]] [b]6. HOW TO MAKE MY PARTNER LOVE ME MORE:[/b] We all wish to give our partner the best we got to make sure that we are playing our role well that can attract more love in return but the question is HOW, yes there is some certain things you need to do to increase the chances of more and unstoppable love in your relationship, i will provide answer to this question in my next post. [b]7. WHAT AGE IS RIGHT FOR ME TO ENTER INTO RELATIONSHIP: [/b]This question is more often asked by young and under age people as you know while some people is being tired of their relationship others is also eager to test and feel it. Answers to this questions is loading but before then do me a favor and share your own view about any particular questions you wish because i will like to learn from you also.

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