A primary school teacher lost her job after this video of her twerking on holiday 400 miles away from her school in a skimpy bikini went viral. The 24-year-old said she was forced into quitting her job after footage of her grinding on top of a judge and thrusting her cleavage into his face during a beach dance competition was spotted by parents.
The explicit display took place while she was on an Easter break in Cabo San Lucas, a popular holiday spot in Baja California - a 15-hour drive from the school in Ciudad Obregon in the northern Mexican state of Sonora where she had taught for three years.
The explicit display took place while she was on an Easter break in Cabo San Lucas, a popular holiday spot in Baja California - a 15-hour drive from the school in Ciudad Obregon in the northern Mexican state of Sonora where she had taught for three years.