Teenager Risks Serious Danger As He Climbs The Great Egyptian Pyramid of Giza. Photos - NAIRALEAK

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Teenager Risks Serious Danger As He Climbs The Great Egyptian Pyramid of Giza. Photos


A teenager risked his life and imprisonment on a trip to ‪Egypt‬ by scaling the Great ‪Pyramid‬ of ‪‎Giza‬. Although it is illegal to climb the 4,500 year old icon, ‪#‎German‬ tourist Andrej Ciesielski journeyed to Cairo with the express intention of roof-topping one of the three mammoth tombs at Giza. 

From above, he captured breathtaking images of a hazy desert landscape punctuated by the ancient wonder of the world and said that the photographs were worth the threat of up to three years in prison. Ciesielski said:
'When I got back down, the police were quick to take me to the station and question me. They also had a look at my camera to see what I had been up to. 'At first, they wanted to take me to the German embassy, but after a while I was released without anything further happening.'

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