Queen Bey is on the cover of Flaunt Magazine magazine and sh~e is l00king summer t!me f!ne w!th minimal makeup, a high braided s!de ponytail & series of sexy underwears in a mostly black and wh!te ph0t0 sh00t.
The star is seen in dramatic p0ses, taken bes!de a p00l in Los Angeles. Sh~e is actually t0pless in one of the ph0t0s, though we can’t see anything just h-er bare back as sh-e keeps it modest, unlike some other celebrities (cough…Kim Kardashian) who think nudity is the trendy thing now.
The mag declares Bey the queen of a fake city they created called “CALIFUK” – combination of California and the UK, which they describe as “place-making and cultured fissure.”